How to Seal Your Garage Door Bottom – Tips from a Garage Door Opener Specialist

If you have noticed that your garage is becoming drafty, or you are finding debris, water, or pests in your garage, then it may be time to seal your garage door bottom. A properly sealed garage door can keep out drafts, debris, and water, and keep pests from entering your home. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about how to seal your garage door bottom.

Why is it important to seal your garage door bottom?

Sealing your garage door bottom can bring many benefits. Firstly, it can help to keep your garage clean and dry by preventing debris and water from entering. Secondly, it can keep pests such as mice, rats, and insects out of your garage, which is especially important if you store food or other perishables in there. Lastly, a properly sealed garage door can help to improve the energy efficiency of your home by preventing drafts from entering through the garage.

Types of garage door bottom seals

There are four main types of garage door bottom seals, including T-shaped seals, U-shaped seals, bead-end seals, and brush seals. Let’s take a closer look at each one.

T-shaped seals

T-shaped seals are made from a flexible material, such as vinyl or rubber, and are designed to fit into the bottom of your garage door. They create a seal by compressing against the floor when the door is closed. T-shaped seals are easy to install and are ideal for those on a budget.

U-shaped seals

U-shaped seals are similar to T-shaped seals but have an additional lip that hangs down from the seal. This lip helps to create a tighter seal against the garage floor, which can be especially useful in areas with heavy rain or snow. U-shaped seals are also made from a flexible material and are easy to install.

Bead-end seals

Bead-end seals are made from a rigid plastic or metal material and are designed to snap into a track on the bottom of your garage door. They create a tight seal by using a bulb at the bottom that compresses against the garage floor when the door is closed. Bead-end seals are more durable than T-shaped or U-shaped seals and can last longer.

Brush seals

Brush seals are made from a long strip of bristles that create a flexible barrier against the garage floor. They are ideal for uneven or sloped floors, as the bristles can conform to the shape of the floor. Brush seals are also effective at keeping out pests and debris.

Tools and materials needed to seal your garage door bottom

To seal your garage door bottom, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Garage door bottom seal (T-shaped, U-shaped, bead-end, or brush seal)
  • Measuring tape
  • Utility knife
  • Pliers
  • Screwdriver
  • Hammer
  • Nails or screws
  • Silicone caulk
  • Caulking gun

How to prepare your garage door for sealing

Before you start sealing your garage door, you should first clean the bottom of the door and remove any old seals. Use a stiff brush to remove any dirt or debris from the bottom of the door and sweep up any dust or debris. Next, use a utility knife or pliers to remove any old seals from the bottom of the door. Be sure to remove any nails or screws that are holding the old seals in place.

How to install T-shaped seals

To install a T-shaped seal, follow these steps:

  1. Measure the width of your garage door bottom.
  2. Cut the T-shaped seal to the correct length using a utility knife or scissors.
  3. Position the T-shaped seal at the bottom of the door, making sure it is centered.
  4. Use a hammer and nails or screws to attach the T-shaped seal to the bottom of the door.
  5. Apply a bead of silicone caulk along the edges of the seal to create a watertight seal.

How to install U-shaped seals

To install a U-shaped seal, follow these steps:

  1. Measure the width of your garage door bottom.
  2. Cut the U-shaped seal to the correct length using a utility knife or scissors.
  3. Position the U-shaped seal at the bottom of the door, making sure it is centered.
  4. Use a hammer and nails or screws to attach the U-shaped seal to the bottom of the door.
  5. Apply a bead of silicone caulk along the edges of the seal to create a watertight seal.

How to install bead-end seals

To install a bead-end seal, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the old seal from the bottom of the door.
  2. Clean the track where the old seal was located.
  3. Insert the bead-end seal into the track on the bottom of the door.
  4. Use a hammer to gently tap the seal into place.
  5. Apply a bead of silicone caulk along the edges of the seal to create a watertight seal.

How to install brush seals

To install a brush seal, follow these steps:

  1. Measure the width of your garage door bottom.
  2. Cut the brush seal to the correct length using a utility knife or scissors.
  3. Position the brush seal at the bottom of the door, making sure it is centered.
  4. Use a hammer and nails or screws to attach the brush seal to the bottom of the door.
  5. Apply a bead of silicone caulk along the edges of the seal to create a watertight seal.

How to test your garage door seal

To test your garage door seal, close the door and inspect the seal for any gaps or areas where air or light is entering. You can also perform a smoke test by holding a lit candle or incense stick near the bottom of the door while it is closed. If the smoke is blown away or sucked into the garage, then you may need to adjust or replace your seal.

Common problems and how to fix them

Here are some common problems you may encounter when sealing your garage door, and how to fix them:

  • Seal is too short: If your seal is too short, it may not create a tight seal against the garage floor. To fix this, you can purchase a longer seal and cut it to the correct length.
  • Seal is too long: If your seal is too long, it may prevent your garage door from closing properly. To fix this, you can trim the seal to the correct length using a utility knife or scissors.
  • Uneven floor: If your garage floor is uneven, a brush seal may be the best option, as it can conform to the shape of the floor.
  • Seal is damaged: If your seal is damaged, it may not create a tight seal against the garage floor. To fix this, you can replace the damaged seal with a new one using the installation method that is appropriate for the type of seal you are using.


Sealing your garage door bottom is an important step in preventing drafts, water, and pests from entering your garage. By following the steps outlined above, you can install the right type of seal for your garage door and ensure that it is properly installed and sealed to provide maximum protection. Remember to test your seal periodically and make any necessary adjustments or repairs to ensure that it continues to provide the protection your garage needs.


  1. How often should I replace my garage door seal?

It is recommended to replace your garage door seal every 2-3 years, or when it becomes damaged or no longer provides a tight seal.

  1. Can I install a garage door seal myself?

Yes, installing a garage door seal is a relatively easy DIY project that can be completed with basic tools.

  1. What type of seal is best for my garage door?

The type of seal that is best for your garage door depends on a variety of factors, such as the type of garage door, the climate in your area, and the type of pests you are trying to keep out. A professional garage door specialist can help you choose the right seal for your needs.

  1. How do I know if my garage door seal is working properly?

You can test your garage door seal by closing the door and inspecting it for gaps or areas where air or light is entering. You can also perform a smoke test by holding a lit candle or incense stick near the bottom of the door while it is closed. If the smoke is blown away or sucked into the garage, then you may need to adjust or replace your seal.

  1. How can I make my garage door seal last longer?

To make your garage door seal last longer, make sure to clean it regularly and avoid using abrasive cleaners or chemicals that can damage the seal. You should also inspect your seal periodically and make any necessary repairs or replacements as needed.

  1. Can I use a garage door seal to reduce noise?

Yes, a garage door seal can help to reduce noise by creating a tight seal against the garage floor and minimizing vibrations. However, for maximum noise reduction, you may also want to consider installing insulation in your garage walls and ceiling.

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