Why Does My Garage Door Stop When Closing? Common Causes and Solutions

If you’re like most homeowners, you use your garage door on a daily basis without giving it much thought. However, when your garage door stops working properly, it can be a frustrating and inconvenient problem to deal with. One of the most common issues homeowners face with their garage doors is when it stops while closing. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why your garage door may stop while closing and what you can do to fix the problem.


A garage door is a complex system that relies on various components working together to open and close smoothly. When one of these components fails, the entire system can be affected. If your garage door stops when closing, it can be frustrating and even dangerous if it’s not fixed quickly. In this article, we’ll explore the common reasons why your garage door may stop while closing and provide solutions to fix the problem.

How Garage Doors Work

Before we dive into the reasons why your garage door stops when closing, let’s take a brief look at how garage doors work. Garage doors operate using a system of tracks, springs, cables, and rollers that work together to lift and lower the door. The garage door opener is the device that controls the movement of the door, using a motor to pull the door up and down. The opener is typically controlled by a wall-mounted switch or a remote control.

Reasons Why Garage Door Stops When Closing

There are several reasons why your garage door may stop when closing. Let’s take a look at some of the most common causes.

Malfunctioning Garage Door Opener

One of the most common reasons why a garage door stops when closing is due to a malfunctioning garage door opener. The opener may be malfunctioning due to a faulty motor or a worn-out gear. If this is the case, you’ll need to replace the garage door opener.

Obstruction in the Path of the Door

If there’s an obstruction in the path of the garage door, it will stop when closing. This could be anything from a small object to a large piece of furniture. Make sure to clear any obstructions from the garage door’s path to prevent it from stopping.

Misaligned Tracks

The tracks that guide the garage door up and down can become misaligned over time. When this happens, the garage door may stop when closing. To fix this problem, you’ll need to adjust the tracks to ensure they’re aligned correctly.

Broken Springs

The springs that help lift the garage door can break over time due to wear and tear. If a spring breaks, the garage door may stop when closing. You’ll need to replace the broken spring to fix the problem.

Worn-out Rollers or Hinges

The rollers and hinges that allow the garage door to move up and down can wear out over time. When this happens, the garage door may stop when closing. To fix this issue, you’ll need to replace the worn-out rollers or hinges.

Damaged Cables

The cables that help lift and lower the garage door can also become damaged over time. If the cables are damaged, the garage door may stop when closing. You’ll need to replace the damaged cables to fix the problem.

Sensor Issues

Many modern garage doors are equipped with sensors that detect when there’s an obstruction in the path of the door. If the sensors are malfunctioning, the garage door may stop when closing. Make sure to check the sensors and clean them if they’re dirty. If the problem persists, you may need to replace the sensors.

Power Outages

If there’s a power outage, your garage door may stop when closing. This is because the garage door opener won’t have power to function. If this is the case, you’ll need to wait for the power to come back on before you can use your garage door again.

Extreme Temperatures

Extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can also affect the performance of your garage door. In extreme heat, the metal components of the garage door can expand, causing it to stop when closing. In extreme cold, the metal components can contract, making it difficult for the garage door to operate smoothly.

How to Fix a Garage Door That Stops When Closing

Now that we’ve explored the common reasons why your garage door may stop when closing, let’s take a look at how to fix the problem.

Check for Obstructions

The first step is to check for any obstructions in the path of the garage door. Remove any objects that may be blocking the door.

Inspect the Tracks

Inspect the tracks to make sure they’re aligned correctly. If they’re misaligned, adjust them accordingly.

Test the Garage Door Opener

Test the garage door opener to make sure it’s functioning properly. If it’s not, you may need to replace the opener.

Check the Springs

Inspect the springs to make sure they’re not broken or worn out. If they are, replace them.

Examine the Rollers and Hinges

Check the rollers and hinges to make sure they’re not worn out. If they are, replace them.

Look at the Cables

Inspect the cables to make sure they’re not damaged. If they are, replace them.

Check the Sensors

Check the sensors to make sure they’re functioning properly. Clean them if they’re dirty, and replace them if necessary.

Inspect the Power Source

Make sure the garage door opener is receiving power. If there’s a power outage, you’ll need to wait until the power comes back on.

Consider Temperature Changes

If the problem persists, consider the temperature in your garage. If it’s extremely hot or cold, it may be affecting the performance of your garage door.


A garage door that stops when closing can be a frustrating and inconvenient problem to deal with. However, by understanding the common causes of this issue and knowing how to fix it, you can keep your garage door operating smoothly. Make sure to regularly inspect and maintain your garage door components to prevent problems from arising.


  1. Can I fix a garage door that stops when closing myself?
  • It depends on the cause of the problem. Some issues, such as obstructions or misaligned tracks, can be fixed by homeowners. However, more complex issues, such as broken springs or damaged cables, should be handled by a professional.
  1. Why is it important to fix a garage door that stops when closing?
  • A garage door that stops when closing can be a safety hazard. It can also lead to further damage to the garage door components if not fixed promptly.
  1. How often should I inspect my garage door components?
  • It’s recommended to inspect your garage door components at least once a year to catch any potential issues before they become major problems.
  1. Can extreme temperatures really affect my garage door?
  • Yes, extreme temperatures can cause the metal components of your garage door to expand or contract, leading to issues with operation.
  1. How can I prevent my garage door from stopping when closing in the future?
  • Regular maintenance and inspection of your garage door components can help prevent issues from arising. It’s also important to avoid slamming the door and to keep the tracks clean and lubricated.
  1. Should I attempt to repair my garage door opener myself?
  • It’s generally not recommended to attempt to repair your garage door opener yourself unless you have experience and knowledge in this area. Improper repairs can lead to further damage or safety hazards. It’s best to consult a professional for help.

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